i am libertarian

What does it mean to be Libertarian?

Minimum Government
Limited Government
Tax sux 20% max

Want to Learn More about Libertarian Policies?

Libertarian Freedom Principles are a great way to introduce our policy and can be found on the Federal Party website 

Libertarianism: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Liberty
Is an essay written by our NSW Division

Are you Libertarian?

There are factions of Libertarians just like there are factions in other political parties.
Do you know what type of Libertarian you are?
If you are not entirely sure, here is an overview that may help you identify. Would love feedback on the type of Libertarian you are.
“All Libertarians want to drastically reduce the role of government because government action is often counter-productive and leads to worse outcomes.
Anarchists are radical libertarians who believe government should be shrunk to zero because either (1) government violence can never be justified because violence is always inherently wrong, and/or (2) the net impact of government is likely (certain?) to be negative in reality, and so society will be improved by removing their “help” entirely.
These anarchists sometimes call themselves “anarcho-capitalists” or “market anarchists” or “voluntaryists” to distinguish themselves from those angsty commies in black who like to break things.
While anarchists are one type of libertarian, obviously not all libertarians are anarchists.
As a brief taxonomy, you could roughly split libertarians into anarchists, minarchists, and moderates.
Minarchists believe that the only roles for government are to protect people and property rights, which generally translates into support for police & courts that enforce property and contract law, and military to defend against invasion.
This isn’t anarchy, but it’s still pretty radical, and well outside the Overton Window.
Moderate libertarians accept more roles for government, such as a minimal welfare state and some regulations, but still differentiate themselves from non-libertarians by wanting to see a much smaller government.
Realistically, most libertarians are moderates, and the Libertarian Party (while founded by anarchists & minarchists) has always been explicitly a moderate libertarian party.
Arguably a forth category are the “liberty-curious”, who stumble into libertarian circles through circumstance but might be a bit uncertain about traditional libertarian arguments.
This can cause some traditional libertarians to worry about the watering down of libertarian principles, but the counter-argument is that libertarians need to embrace the liberty-curious if we want to grow as a political movement”
Dr. John Humphreys- Economist, and founder of our party.

Australian politics has been controlled by two parties for too long!
Libertarians will restore Freedom and Liberty, long forgotten.
Vote for Freedom – Vote Libertarian

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