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About our candidate.

Who is Gary? 

Gary is the quintessential Aussie Larrikin who marches to the beat of his own drum.

As a lifelong entrepreneur, he has an unflinching belief that Australians who want to start their own business should have the right economic conditions to do so.

Gary believes the Government on all levels needs to step aside and allow entrepreneurs to thrive! 

Gary is an entrepreneur who has operated his business covering the Gold Coast since he left High School in 1981.

At the peak of Gary’s business career, he employed 50 people. 

For those who have lived in McPherson long enough, they’ll recall Gary’s family-owned “Biggs and Sons Carpet and Furniture Store” in the Main Street of Coolangatta. This makes Gary a third generation Gold Coast Small Business Man.

Going further back in history, Gary’s grandfathers, grandfather left Hampshire, England in 1840 and became a Queenslander upon arrival in Brisbane, settling in Bunya, where eventually George Biggs was elected to the first Pine Rivers Shire board in February 1888. Becoming Chairman in 1891.

George served on the Pine Rivers Council for 12 years.

When researching his ancestor, Gary had a bit of a mind trip because George is listed in the Queensland archines as BIGGS, G.
Of course, Gary is also a BIGGS, G…… Spooky. Read about George Biggs here.

Wouldn’t it be great to elect a fifth-generation Queensland politician to represent McPherson!

Gary attended Kindergarten and Boy Scouts (Point Danger) in Coolangatta.
He was also conferred the prestigious title of Queen’s Scout by the Governor of Queensland in Brisbane in 1982.

Gary began flight training at age 16 and 4 months, gaining his Pilot’s Licence the following year – he was allowed to fly before he was allowed to drive a Motorcar! 

Most people on the Gold Coast know Gary’s Sky Ads business and see him flying up and down the Gold Coast regularly. 

Gary is a happily married, youthful  Grandfather, with a fantastic sense of humour.
He understands more than anyone that small business and families are the backbone of the McPherson Electorate. 

Gary believes Australia is the lucky country, but only if we stand up for the values that made us great.
He knows that our way of life is under attack, and that the cost of living is really hurting Australians.

It’s time to cut taxes, red and green tape, and give Aussies the prosperity our forefathers once enjoyed. 

Why such poor politicians in Canberra? You promote what you permit! 

Team Red and Team Blue are so ingrained that they know one or the other will control the government.
That is why they choose candidates that “will not rock the boat”

“I’m Team XXX – just vote for My Team”

They are like Dead Fish, just floating in with the tide.
When Red is “on the nose”, we get poor Blue Dead Fish floating in;
when the tide reverses and Blue sucks, we get Red Dead Fish floating into parliament.

This is why we occasionally get wishy-washy politicians because the major parties pick poor candidates!

So the government can do as it pleases, free from responsibility to the voters.
For the most part, no one currently elected has the ability or the courage to keep them in check.

A few minor parties are onto our frustration – Beware the Teal “Independent”

Some of the Teals elected last election, riding on voter dissatisfaction with Blue and Red, spent over $700,000.
If you take that kind of money, you can expect to be owned.
The Teals voting record has exposed their ownership, voting with Labor and Greens on the majority of issues.

The Teals are targeting McPherson with their money and slick campaigning style, but there is nothing truly “independent” about them.

Every Law steals someone’s Liberty 

The latest addition to our growing rulebook is a Badge of Honour for the control Parties – Green, Red, Teal, and even Blue. But every new law takes away someone’s Liberty, and costs everyone more through higher taxes.

The Cost of Government is the biggest expense Australians face.

Every single Party that adds Laws has contributed to the COST OF LIVING CRISIS caused by the cost of our Government.

Libertarians are different.
Libertarians simply want the freedom to live their lives without interference.
Reducing the levels of Government interference will maximise individual freedom and minimise the cost of taxation.

Libertarians stand apart from all other Parties.
Libertarians are firmly based on solid principles.

You should be free to do as you please; as long as you do not hurt others. 


Why Gary Biggs for McPherson?  

Gary Biggs is the bold, no-nonsense, plain-speaking voice McPherson needs in Canberra.
A proud Small Business Owner, and Pilot, Gary lives in the real world – just like you.

He understands the challenges faced by families, tradies, and small business owners on the Gold Coast, and he’s on a mission to tackle the real issues impacting your daily life.  

Gary champions responsible spending and believes that Smaller Government at ALL levels—not just Federal – means a better life for all Australians.
He’s taking the fight for budgetary accountability and transparency to Canberra because the days of wasteful spending and bureaucratic duplication must end.
Gary will boldly advocate to abolish redundant Federal departments like Education, giving power back to the States, slashing the cost of bloated Government and putting money back in your pocket where it belongs. 

Gary knows that lower taxes and fewer regulations are essential for you to own a home, build a family, and live life on your own terms.

He’s fighting to cut Environmental Red and Green tape, end the Housing Affordability Crisis, and remove the Fuel Excise to reduce transport, insurance and supermarket costs. Because Gary knows that every household pays, and the buck stops with you.

Gary is passionate about preserving the Gold Coast lifestyle.
He fundamentally opposes taxpayer-subsidised renewables and costly Policies like Nature Positive, which are Nature Negative, harming Australia’s prosperity and food security.
He supports Nuclear Energy as a viable, cost-effective solution – but believes it should be driven by the Private Sector, not Government ownership. Because central planning fails where free markets and competition provides the best results. 

For Gary, free speech is an inalienable right, and he’ll never stand for laws that silence your voice. 
He also believes in the importance of teaching children how to think, not what to think – ensuring future generations are free to thrive without Government interference.

Gary’s not a career politician or a backroom dealmaker.
He’s a cost-of-living champion who knows energy IS the economy and water IS the lifeblood of our Nation.
He’ll fight to build dams, tackle inflation, and protect property rights, Farmers, creating a united, strong, and prosperous Australia.

With Gary Biggs, you get commonsense, intelligence, courage, and commitment to the values that matter most to McPherson. 

It’s time to choose freedom. It’s time to choose Gary Biggs.

You can help Vote 1 Gary Biggs, Libertarian
because Freedom Matters, and so does your voice.

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